Have an interest in helping us?
You can help Rocky Mountain Brassworks in several different ways:
Volunteer - We can always use help at concerts with ushers and ticket takers.
Publicity - Let us know if you can help out with marketing Brassworks by distributing posters and flyers to your neighborhood or local businesses. Other suggestions are welcome too!
Financial - Any financial contribution you make will be greatly appreciated. As we are a 501-c(3) organization, your donation is tax-deductible.
Please make checks out to “Rocky Mountain Brassworks” and mail to:
Rocky Mountain Brassworks
PO Box 61
Broomfield, CO 80038-0681
Questions or suggestions? Please contact us by e-mailing rmb@rockymountainbrassworks.com
Interested in playing with Rocky Mountain Brassworks?
On occasion, we have openings for new brass and percussion musicians.
To inquire about openings for new players, contact Ron Argotsinger at rona@rockymountainbrassworks.com to be referred to the appropriate section leader. If you are a dedicated musician with a love of brass music, please let us know and we will see if we have an opening for your talent!